Dough for lasagna, pasta in general; 00 flour, eggs, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
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500 g 00 flour

5 eggs

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil


Form a fountain, in the center put the eggs, a pinch of salt and the tablespoon of oil. Dose the oil, add it little by little. Combine all the ingredients and knead the dough well. Let it rest for half an hour covered with a cloth. Roll out the dough and cut it into rectangles of about 8×16 cm. Boil plenty of salted water. Scald the pasta in the boiling water. Take it out with tongs trying not to flake it, place it on a dish towel until the water drains, and then compose the lasagna layer by layer, adding meat in the middle, or as indicated in the recipe. If you want to get green lasagna, add 500 g of boiled spinach, squeezed and chopped. Combine the spinach with 200 g of ricotta and mix well together, then proceed to form the filling of the middle. Bake, oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, and the lasagna (meat or vegetables) are ready. Do not forget a good sprinkling of parmesan cheese. Enjoy your meal

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