Motion ecology and biodiversity are both autonomous, but integrated, branches of ecology.

Motion ecology and biodiversity research are distinct sub-disciplines of ecology.
Integration between the two disciplines is necessary for common progress.
Motion ecology provides a comprehensive, principles-based framework for studying the movement of organisms. As an autonomous dicipline it was born only 10 years ago ( approximately).
Motion ecology has developed through technology and analytical tools to decipher how animals integrate information about their environment, experience, and innate states to make decisions about their movement.
However, maintaining a focus on the movements of individual organisms makes it difficult to understand the ecological consequences of movement on populations, communities, and entire ecosystems.
Studying movement in its broader ecological context could have important implications for the overall picture of movement ecology.
Similar results have occurred in other fields where, by focusing on theories applied exclusively to individual organisms they have been placed in correlation with context thus allowing the limitations of the theories themselves to be identified and overcome.
Good examples of such feedbacks are proveded by the theory of “energy balance” and the theory of “optimal foraging”.