The name is derived from the Latin salus – health, for its healing properties. Its leaves are oblong, hairy and fleshy, and its flowers are blue or purplish. Both leaves and flowers can also be dried in an aerated place and stored in the pantry in paper bags.
It is an herb with disinfectant, anti-diarrheal, aromatic, astringent, antisudorific, digestive, diuretic, and stimulating functions. Its aroma solicits a reaction from the lungs, helps to fight coughs, throat irritations, asthma. It favors the elimination of intestinal gases, stimulates the secretion of bile and lowers glycemia. Sage is rich in natural estrogens and shows good effectiveness in fighting menopausal disorders, regularizing the menstrual cycle, stopping bleeding, calming pain.
Sage is useful in relieving insect bites and gum inflammation.
Reduces milk secretion, combats frigidity and impotence.
On the beauty front, sage plays an important role in cleaning and whitening teeth, purifying breath and hair.
In the culinary field sage leaves, whole or chopped, are used to flavor dishes and for various seasonings, or in fillings, omelettes, buns, sauces.
A typical dish, a classic of Italian cuisine is the butter and sage dressing for stuffed pasta, or for gnocchi.
It is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen, either to flavor meats, or to flavor blue cheeses such as gorgonzola. Finally, no one can resist sage leaves fried in olive oil.