Spinach, Spinacia oleracea, is a leafy vegetable native to China.
100 grams of raw spinach is 35 kcal, protein is 3 grams, carbohydrates a little less, and 2 grams of fiber, while fat is less than 1 gram.
Spinach has many vitamins; K, A, C, and folate. It also contains iron, magnesium, and potassium.
The cooking of spinach should be quick, so as to preserve the minerals and vitamins, at most three minutes on high heat. The iron in the vegetable is best absorbed if they are seasoned with lemon, which contains vitamin C.
Spinach contains carotenoids, which are essential for the proper functioning of the retina; folic acids and lignans, from which derive phytoestrogens important for the intestinal microbiota (the higher the quantity in fresh spinach to be preferred over those with a long shelf life).
Spinach has an antioxidant function, anti-inflammatory, contributes to the reduction of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. They are a source of nitrates that help control antihypertensiveness.