Thimus vulgaris, aromatic plant, very loved since ancient times. It has a sweet and bitter taste at the same time, it goes very well with fish, with meat, excellent for omelettes and with all vegetables. It also has many other properties: balsamic, anti-inflammatory, bactericide, regulators of liver function, menstrual flow and others.
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Thyme Thimus vulgaris, is one of the most aromatic plants in the garden. Its flavor is aromatic, sweet and bitter at the same time, it goes very well with fish, tuna and swordfish.

It is used to flavor tomato sauces, omelettes, pies, but also meat, vegetables and legumes.

Optimal its balsamic, fluidifying and expectorant properties, which make it an excellent remedy against inflammations of the respiratory system, curative of coughs, colds and asthma.

Thyme is also an excellent bactericide.

It aids digestion, has diuretic and vermifuge properties. It favors the elimination of intestinal gas, regulates liver function, menstrual flow, freshens breath. It is a good remedy against hair loss.

It also has a calming function.

Thyme can also be dried, it intensifies its aromatic properties.

polpette timo e feta
450 g of mixed minced meat (beef, pork)
200 g of feta cheese
2 eggs
200 g of Parmiggiano Reggiano
salt and pepper